
Who Needs Public Relations?

by Mark Dreistadt | Mar 19, 2012 | Public Relations

Short answer … you do!

I want to talk to you for a minute about Public Relations — PR.  Public Relations is often underrated by ministry organizations and frequently misunderstood. However, properly executed, PR can literally change public opinion about your organization. It can generate interest about the work you do; it can create exposure. Public Relations can ultimately create a positive impact on your bottom line.

Good Public Relations is more than just an occasional email blast or a press release. It’s a concerted effort to communicate a consistent branded message across multiple platforms.

Public Relations is about building relationships with the public. It’s about reaching out to people and giving them a message that reinforces your brand, not only through your own communications, but also through coverage of your organization in publications and communication channels.

Public Relations is something every ministry needs to be focused on. It will make a difference in your bottom line.

Mark Dreistadt

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