
Why should churches stream live services?

by Infinity Concepts | May 13, 2013 | Church Growth, Digital, Media

“I can’t go to church today because I have to stay home and take care of my sick niece.” Does this or a similar story sound familiar? I’m not the only one that has a very busy schedule but still wants to stay as connected to the church as I can. Fortunately, my church has a live service as an alternative option. It helps me by eliminating all of the excuses to not attend the church service. Should your church provide a live stream?

The following points may help you decide:

1) Alternative option – Unexpected things ALWAYS happen in life. You don’t want people to miss church just because they can’t physically travel to your facility. Offering a live broadcast as an alternative option so enables them to be a part of your service from home and in real time!

2) Support future trends – Studies show that young adults who have just relocated to a new town will watch a live stream church service an average of six times before stepping in the church doors. More than likely, people tend to watch video or live shows from their phone, computer, or tablet. So be ready as this trend will only increase as the even younger generation grows up!

3) Stay connected – No matter where your audiences are they can be a part of the service. It will increase your church engagement and also increase the funds to support your church.

4) Easy and economical – Having a real time broadcast of your service is very easy and can often be done on a small budget.

Today, churches and ministries are able to take advantage of technology to reach out and stay connected to their people at anytime and anywhere. There’s no longer any excuse to miss the message with the Internet always on and accessible from home. Stream your service!

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