
Strategic Start to 2014

by Mark Dreistadt | Jan 2, 2014 | Leadership

The beginning of every year is a time of personal reflection and resolution. Are you doing the same for your organization or ministry? Here are a few thoughts to consider as you begin the New Year. By considering these items now, you can have your best year ever in 2014!

  • Break your 2014 revenue forecast down into quarterly and monthly goals. 
  • Review your monthly and quarterly goals regularly. 
  • What you will do to improve your fundraising knowledge in 2014?
  • What can you do to improve your organization’s fundraising program?
  • What new fundraising channels will you use in 2014?
  • How can social media help grow your donor base?
  • What is your organization’s process to turn prospects into givers, givers into donors, and donors into partners?
  • What will you do to ensure you are honoring your donors and adding value to their lives?
  • How many new donors will you bring on in 2014? How will you do it?
  • How much budget will you allocate to donor acquisition? How will you use the budget most effectively?
  • How many lapsed donors will you revive in 2014? What do you need to do to make that happen?
  • What do you need to do to increase your overall revenue by 10%?
  • What are you going to do every day to keep a positive and faith-filled attitude?
  • In which areas will you improve your personal, family and spiritual life?
  • How are you going to maximize the use of your time?
  • Where are you going to write all of this down so you can review and revise your plans regularly?
  • What will it LOOK like when you accomplish everything you have just been thinking about?  
  • What is keeping you from starting this process right now?

Plan now… and have your best year ever in 2014!

Mark Dreistadt

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