
Three Week Check Up

by Jason Dreistadt | Jan 22, 2014 | Branding

We are three weeks into 2014 and I just thought I’d ask — how are your New Year’s resolutions?

According to a recent study, only 8 percent of individuals who make New Year’s Resolutions, actually fulfill them.  Maybe you wanted to lose weight, join a gym, eat better, go to bed earlier, whatever…  But let’s be honest… three weeks into the year, it gets HARD!  Your motivation slips. You think, “I can skip today and make up for it tomorrow” for four days straight. And then you start trying to find a way to write off your gym membership fee as a charitable donation.  There has got to be a better way!

There is.  It’s called accountability.

People holding you accountable can be there to provide not only support, encouragement, and fresh perspective, but sometimes a quick, brutal dose of reality (No, you cannot have just one doughnut.  Are you kidding me?!?) and motivation to persevere (Yes, you can get out of bed at 5:30 in the morning to work out before the kids wake up.).

This also applies in the work arena, too.  Has your organization made a list of the great things you want to accomplish this year?  How’s your plan looking?  Is everything on track?  Sometimes, organizations have the best of intentions to “change the world,” but they get sidetracked.

Eighty percent of organizations that do strategic planning never execute their plan. Those who are successful often work with a consultant or agency who helps keep them on track to ensure that their goals are met.

In 2014, would you rather be one of the 80 percent who fail to follow through or one of the 20 percent who see your goals achieved?

Jason Dreistadt
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