
Check Your Vitals: 3 Principles for a Healthy Brand Image

by Christine Johns | Aug 29, 2017 | Branding, Creative

Image is vital to a brand, but for it to be effective, it must reflect what is inside. Your visual brand image (logo, colors, fonts, etc.) is but one element of building a solid identity, but when it resonates with your audience and spurs them to action, you have a recipe for success.

Sometimes, brands can become lazy and trapped in cycle of denial. Logos become dated — colors become passé. Looking inward will help you put forward the best representation of your brand to your audience. Ask this question: How well do you know yourself?

Make note of these three principles to ensure that your brand image effectively engages today’s culture.

  1. Innovate, don’t imitate.

While it’s okay to occasionally parrot certain aspects of a competitor’s brand to help give yours a lift, constant imitation only stymies your ability to be innovative and original. You also risk losing trust and credibility with your audience, not to mention any potential legal pitfalls. Instead, do your research. Be strategic. Investigate and experiment with color palettes and layout trends; find out how your typography affects your audience. Does your voice come through your design?

  1. Be selective and be accurate.

Made famous in a scene from the 2000 film The Patriot, the line “aim small, miss small” is significant when trying to focus your brand on a particular audience demographic. Narrowing your focus to a target audience allows you to craft your visual approach with greater ease. You can select fonts, colors, and graphics suited to your voice and your audience preferences, motives, and beliefs.

  1. Consistency is essential.

Your audience’s perception of your brand image must be cultivated and protected. Everything you produce must look and feel consistent before it reaches your audience. To do otherwise makes you look disorganized and unreliable, puts your reputation at risk, and gives your competitors an edge. Have measures in place to ensure every aspect of your brand image is clear and coherent. Craft a style guide with simply defined parameters that guide the use and size of fonts, accepted color palettes, logo sizing, etc.

Take your vitals. How is your brand doing? Applying these principles can make a significant impact to your future growth.

Let us know if Infinity Concepts can help you build your brand image.

Christine Johns
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