
Public Relations Best Practices in Ministry

by Infinity Concepts | Aug 23, 2019 | Public Relations

An effective Public Relations strategy is vital for all organizations. A solid PR strategy helps an organization to build and maintain both internal and external relationships and establishes and supports a positive public image and reputation.

Public Relations is an often overlooked but important and effective tool for ministry, churches, and faith-based organizations.

A well-executed PR strategy will help to multiply your impact and expand your reach and to connect you with the best potential audience for your non-profit, ministry, or cause. Public Relations plays a role in your overall success in relationships, fundraising, public awareness and reputation management.

The following are a few of our suggested PR best practices for your ministry or organization:

Relationships are key

Know and understand your audience. It is important to create and foster relationships with those who are part of and support your ministry.

  • Make a positive first impression. This is the foundation of any relationship.
  • Focus on the WHO. Know your audience demographics, beliefs, and interests.
  • Speak their language. Communication is most effective when the tone and verbiage is easily understood.
  • Establish trust. Any relationship – personal or otherwise – cannot succeed without trust.

Understand YOUR message and brand

If you have not already gone through this process, your organization needs to take the time to discover and define who you are and establish your overall goals. Infinity Concepts has several different options of ways we help our clients with this.

  • Be authentic and credible. Consistency is key as people will notice if your message starts to waver.
  • Ensure that everyone in your organization or ministry – including volunteers – has a strong understanding of your message as well as your brand and can effectively communicate that message to others.

Develop a Public Relations Strategy

Create a written plan for your organization to follow. This plan will include:

  • Overall PR goals and objectives
  • A Communication Plan for sharing information internally and externally
  • A Crisis Plan so you know how and what to communicate in the event of a crisis
  • An Evaluation Plan to measure the overall effectiveness

Taking the time to develop and implement these best practices will help your ministry or organization to build strong, long-lasting relationships and communicate your message in a positive and memorable way.

Let Infinity Concepts help you develop a Public Relations strategy to raise awareness, expand your reach and protect your brand. CLICK HERE or call us today at 724-733-1200.

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