For a while now, many have said that print is dead. Recently, I have been hearing a lot of buzz that claims the opposite. Let’s look at some facts.
First, what is the state of magazines today? There are over 160,000 magazines being published somewhere in the world right now. And while it’s true that many magazines have ceased publishing print versions and have gone all digital, one observer noted that many of these magazines end up going under in less than two years.
So, is there hope for print? I would have to say, yes.
One of the trends I see that combats the threat to magazines is the use of special interest publications or SIPs. These publications are usually much thicker than the standard publication with much more content and much less frequency. They tend to have less advertising, are meant to have a longer shelf life, and cost significantly more than the print magazine they are based on.
Leading publishers like Meredith, Hearst and Condé Nast are all using SIPs. Meredith publication Eating Well has produced a special magazine called The Power of Plant-Based and Hearst publication Seventeen came out with an Ultimate Guide to College. What these publishers are finding is that these special publications keep the brand in front of its audience in a tangible way and become a complement to the original publication as well as the digital versions.
The SIPs help answer the question about why print advertising is still a great option. All things considered, print is still a viable medium that should be included in any advertising plan, and here are four reasons why.
Niche Audience
Print reaches a niche audience. No matter what the subject or the industry, there is probably a print publication that focuses on it. If you know what niche audience you want to reach with your advertising, you have got a respected vehicle where you can present your advertising.
Brand Awareness
Print is best suited to creating or building brand awareness. According to one source, consumers have a more favorable view of print advertising than TV, radio, or digital ads. They are 70 percent more likely to recall a brand after seeing it in print as opposed to a digital ad.
More Engagement
Readers of print publications tend to be more engaged than television viewers or radio listeners. TV and radio are passive activities, but print requires more active engagement. I came across this statistic in my recent research: 75% of newspaper readers tend to respond in some way to an ad they have seen in a publication, which should be great news for any advertiser.
Longer Shelf Life
The printed ad remains on the page and available to the reader for as long as they keep the publication. The ad can be seen multiple times if the reader returns to the publication, and it can be seen by other users as the magazine is passed on.
Print is obviously still viable. And print advertising continues to be an excellent way to reach your audience with your unique message.
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