
Television Viewing Habits Change with Coronavirus

by Infinity Concepts | Apr 3, 2020 | Media

With medical quarantines and government-mandated sequestering, more and more of us are at home for longer hours, so the natural inclination is to turn to our electronic devices. We’re especially looking at news stories right now so that we can see the latest thing that’s happening with the coronavirus pandemic. But we’re also looking for sources of entertainment.

Recent data has shown that daytime television viewing is up 62% over this time last year. As people remain at home, numbers are increasing from week to week. Some of the largest jumps have been in news programming, with CNN leading the way, with an 80% increase in daytime viewing, while Fox News was up 42%, and MSNBC was up 28%.

Entertainment numbers have also increased. For family viewing between 9 AM and 4 PM weekdays, the numbers have also increased significantly. Teen Nick is up 171% over earlier weeks this year, while Disney HD has increased 68% in viewership, and Nick Toons 66%.

People are hungry for news. They are bored and looking for entertainment, but they are also feeling lost and looking for answers. And Christian television is meeting that need.

According to one data source, Christian television is seeing increases in audiences as high as 200% over earlier weeks this year! Various ministries on various networks—and even on some local broadcast stations—are seeing significant audience increases as people search for something to give them peace and hope in a time when the news media continues to speak of chaos, leaving viewers feeling hopeless.

Now is the time to get your message of hope out to a hurting world. Now is the time to promote your existing message through channels that you may have never considered before. There are so many digital channels with opportunities to boost your message and get it in front of eyeballs that may have never seen it before.

Let Infinity Concepts help you get your message out to a hurting world.
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