
Top Public Relations Trends in 2021

by Infinity Concepts | Dec 18, 2020 | Public Relations

I think it is safe to say that we are all ready to leave 2020 behind and begin a fresh start in 2021. For most organizations and ministries, this past year forced us to deviate from our plans and find new innovative ways to communicate our messages. Though it was a year filled with uncertainty and fear, it was also one of creativity and hope.

As we look forward to a new year there are a few Public Relations trends for your organization to consider as you communicate with your audiences this year.

Crisis Communications
The 2020 pandemic was an unexpected wake-up call for many communication professionals. The overall impact was a true test of both an organization’s internal and external communication plans. If your organization does not already have a detailed and effective crisis communication plan in place, now is the time to do so. You can find tips on how best to do this here.

The goal is to maintain your organization’s reputation no matter the circumstances. We live in a technology-driven world ruled by social media and the I want it NOW mentality. Information is available at our fingertips 24/7 and it can be difficult to stay ahead of the noise. The key for success in maintaining your reputation is to adapt quickly and to be quick to act on potential issues. Develop an effective plan that you can use to communicate to all audiences, both internally and externally, and remember, it is always better for your audience and media to hear your message directly from you.

All Things Virtual
The concern for our health and safety will certainly continue well into the new year. Because of social distancing guidelines, travel restrictions, and remote work life, many events have moved online. Most churches have launched an online campus platform if they did not already have one. Conferences have moved to a virtual format and many fundraising events have followed suit.

This is a huge shift from what we are used to and hopefully someday in the not-so-distant future we can meet in person once again. But it is important to note some of the benefits that have come from our forced virtual world. We now have an ability to save money, reallocate budgets, and reach a much wider audience across multiple platforms and devices. This is one trend that is both budget friendly and necessary this year.

Creativity is King
2021 should be a year of outside-the-box thinking and new ideas. Do not be afraid to brainstorm and experiment with your communication strategies and techniques. The communication techniques that worked in 2019 are not necessarily the best choice or fit for 2021. Are there any ideas you previously put on the back burner? Maybe now is the time to give them a chance. Is there a new audience you want to try to target but thought they might not have been the best fit? Is a podcast something your organization has considered but never tried before to promote your message?

Even a small shift in your priorities could have a large impact on your overall goals. Take this opportunity to get creative and try some more unique and even risky ideas. Do not be afraid to push your organization a bit outside of their comfort zone.

In whatever ways you choose to promote your organization’s message and communicate with your audience, I am hopeful that 2021 will be a memorable and exciting year for you.

If you are interested in Public Relations strategy or consultation to help protect your brand,
Infinity Concepts is here to help. Contact us today!

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