According to Google’s Oxford Languages dictionary, a podcast is defined as a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a...
George Konetes
How Your Fundraising Style Can Make You a Leader
Every communication and message your organization sends out is an opportunity. It is an opportunity to raise funds, but it is also an opportunity to...
Is Your Cause Both Urgent and Important?
Today’s digital fundraising ecosystem is filled with great causes, projects, and relief work that is making a real difference. There is no shortage...
Is Your Digital Fundraising Specific Enough to Be Effective?
There are many important rules when it comes to fundraising, but one that is often overlooked, especially in digital ads, is specificity. The adage...
Think Like a Donor—And Reach Them Where They Are
Before the dawning of the digital age, the donor experience was a more involved process. Typically, donors watched you, listened to you, or laid...
How Many Facebook Ad Sets Do You Need?
When it comes to how many creatives a campaign needs to be effective, there are a variety of factors that impact the answer. And while there is a...
Is Your Digital Advertising Data Descriptive or Predictive?
In this age of digital advertising, data is readily available like never before. But it is easy to be lulled into a false sense of confidence in our...
In Digital Fundraising, Immediacy Is a Game Changer
Near the peak of the coronavirus crisis I received a direct mail piece from a nonprofit I have a relationship with. The newsletter showed life going...
When To Break The Rules | Facebook Fundraising Case Study
When it comes to digital fundraising, there are many rules. Some rules are informal, and some have a legal disclaimer. You, of course, do not want...
Supercharge Your Donor Acquisition with Remarketing
Remarketing is the process of targeting users who have digitally viewed or interacted with some component of your brand. It is a pervasive digital...