The world of digital advertising and fundraising changes quickly. Over the past three years, those changes accelerated through significant...
Andy Walker
Display Advertising 101: What It Is and When You Should Use It
If you’ve been involved in marketing for your organization or ministry, you’ve probably heard the term “display advertising” used at some point. But...
Instagram Brings Back Chronological Feed Option and More. What Does That Mean for Your Brand?
In 2016, Instagram followed the tech trend of utilizing an algorithmic-based feed to serve up content to its users and shut down its chronological...
Three Tips for Improving Your Donation Forms
Vying for the attention of your donors, especially new donors, is extremely difficult in a world filled with so much noise and distractions. Imagine...
Why You Need a Fundraising Calendar
Thomas Edison once said, “Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.” Unfortunately, organizations often fail to plan ahead,...
Understanding Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection and How to Prepare
The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing and marketers need to be prepared for an upcoming shift that will disrupt email marketing. In...
SMS Marketing for Ministries: Five Stats You Need to Know
Text messaging (or SMS) has become the primary form of communication for many Americans, often more favorable than email and especially phone calls...
Four Ways to Grow Your Email List Using Social Media Advertising
With the major changes in digital marketing and technology over the past decade, many expected the effectiveness of email marketing in fundraising...
The First-Party Future… Moving Beyond the Age of Facebook Ads
Love it or hate it, donor data is crucial to the success of your fundraising efforts. In a digital world, effectively collecting and using donor...