
Three Questions

by Infinity Concepts | Aug 18, 2009 | Leadership

During the course of my life, I have pause to periodically look inwardly and ask three questions:

  1. Where am I?
  2. Where was I?
  3. Where am I going?

In other words, I periodically take stock of my life and accomplishments; I evaluate my progress along the way; and I try to determine if a course correction is necessary in any area. Over the years this has been a very helpful discipline in my life and career.

When I started Infinity Concepts in 2002, I did so with two primary objectives in mind:

  1. To help my clients think, plan, and function more strategically.
  2. To provide a broad and comprehensive spectrum of services and resources to help our clients grow (increase in size) and mature (increase in depth).

For the past seven years Infinity Concepts has been serving ministries, businesses, and non-profit organizations across the United States and around the world. We believe the time has come for us to pause and ask the same three questions…

  1. Where are we? (How are we perceived? How well are we known?)
  2. Where were we? (What is our progress? What are the trends?)
  3. Where are we going? (What does our future look like? What course corrections do we need to make?)

Instead of just trying to answer these questions ourselves, we decided to ask some of our friends to help us. I have created a short survey that I would like you to complete. I promise it will only take you a few minutes — but the benefits to me and to Infinity Concepts will be significant. Thanks in advance for your time and candor.

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