Does your church have a robust marketing strategy? Some people may think the words “church” and “marketing” should never be in the same sentence;...
Church Growth
Innovative Church Outreach Programs That Work!
Outreach is the heartbeat of any thriving church, and at my home church, it is at the core of who we are. Our belief that “People are our Heart”...
Email Marketing for Engaging Church Communities
When was the last time you took inventory of how you were communicating with your church community? If you are a pastor or church leader, it is...
Blueprint for Success: Strategically Crafting and Filling a New Role in Your Organization
Your organization is growing, the workload is becoming too much for your current staff and even may require shifting obligations to a different...
Striking the Balance Between Ministry and Marketplace
Ask pastors if their church is a business or a ministry, and most will answer ministry without a moment’s hesitation. It is understandable, of...
Ways to Promote Your Next KidsMin Church Outreach Event
Summer is winding down, but your church’s children’s ministry is most likely ramping up for the next wave of family-friendly functions....
How to Build a Leader with H.E.A.R.T.
I currently serve as Director of Connections at my church, and it has been an incredible learning experience. Our church has seen exponential growth...
A Better Alternative
My long-time friend and colleague, Phil Cooke, recently posted a blog article entitled: Leaders: There May Be a Better Alternative Than Hiring Full...
Challenges Always Present New Opportunities
Infinity Concepts recently released a new research report: The Ripple Effect: Congregations, COVID, and the Future of Church Life. This report is...
The Sacred Ministry of Church Communications
In a time of constant change, it’s more important than ever for churches to prioritize communicating effectively. But what is the ultimate goal of...