
Ford Motor Company is just learning how to do social media?

by Infinity Concepts | Apr 19, 2012 | Digital

Maybe it’s not too late for you….

We do a lot of work with clients on their social media, so we report on the latest trends and tips on a regular basis. Because of that, it takes a lot for me to be truly surprised by something I learn about doing “social” better.

Today was one of those days that a light went off in my head. I received a revelation about just how big the opportunity is in social media for “the little guys” by listening to an interview with a big guy.

I was watching a Social Media Examiner video interview with the head of Social Media at FordScott Monty, when I was blown away. It’s not that what he was saying was so new to me, but that he was admitting that Ford Motor Company is just learning Social Media.

I mean, Ford Motor Company, a company so big its listing on the NYSE is just one letter- F – is willing to admit that they are in the process of figuring out social media.

If a company with almost a quarter of a million employees and a Market Cap of just under $45 Billion with a B, is not too big to admit that they are just learning how to use Social Media, it’s OK for you to admit it too.

Oh – and don’t miss the video – It’s an 8 minute investment and you’re likely to learn something, like…

  • Ford’s experience with Google+ and its potential for brands
  • How the conversation on Google+ is different
  • How their blogging impacts sales
  • What Ford is doing to stimulate fan engagement
  • How Ford wants to bring social media inside cars
  • How to make humor work in your social media marketing
  • Why you need to focus on creating a story
  • The upcoming trends in social media

The ineffective or inappropriate use of social media is something we refer to as being socially awkward.  If you’d like more information that can provide social media training, social strategy, and the social media help your organization needs to stay out of this category then download our Free Guide Social Media 101 today!

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