
New Strategic Solutions For Conducting Market Research

by Infinity Concepts | Jun 4, 2012 | Digital

If you are starting a new project, implementing a new outreach program, or planting a church in a new location, market research will help you make better decisions and improve your chances of being successful. There have always been two types of market research available, Secondary Market Research (SMR) and Primary Market Research (PMR).

How Market Research Works

Secondary Market Research is the simpler and easier of these two marketing concepts.  SMR can normally help you get a general sense, narrow your decision, or lay some preliminary groundwork to your decision-making process. SMR is readily accessible for a small fee through trade associations, and market research organizations, and sometimes available for free through certain government agencies, the Census Bureau, and on the internet.

PMR on the other hand, delivers more specific information. If done correctly, you can attain a very accurate representation of your target market by sampling and generating response from your intended audience. PMR allows you to investigate a specific interest, or gauge the demand for a particular product or service.

The problem with Primary Market Research in the past has been that this process was often lengthy and relatively expensive because it was normally done by using focus groups, conducting interviews, or counting on people responding to questionnaires or polls though direct mail and other means.  In most cases this type of research came with a very large price tag!  Until now….

Cost Effective Marketing Solutions

There are now effective and affordable Primary Market Research options available to ministries, non-profits, churches, and small businesses that provide strategic insights. Anyone looking at beginning, growing, or improving their outreach with a small or limited budget will benefit greatly from this new technology.

New automated online analytics tools are available that work hand-in-hand with your website and hand-held devices to provide strategic solutions for price points that never used to be possible. There are services incorporating Inbound Marketing Strategies, Lead Nurturing Programs, and sound SEO Practices that can help you make better decisions, more educated decisions, and more successful decisions.

Here is a list of 22 Online Analytics Tools that can help you get started!

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