
Reconsidering Your Brand Strategy? Learn to Acknowledge Your Potential and Purpose

by Infinity Concepts | Jul 12, 2012 | Branding

Whether it is a company, brand, or ministry, every organization goes through changes just like we do in our personal lives. As individuals we deal with changes in our occupation, friendships, and relationships. Organizations deal with changes in audiences, markets, and products. At times it is hard to see what comes next. What got you where you are may no longer be working. Perhaps, the motivation and enthusiasm which helped you maximize your potential has dwindled. Now may be the time to realize that your stage for change has been set.

Change, however, is not always easy and is often hard to accept. In truth, God sometimes calls us in unique ways that can challenge us and turn our lives around 180 degrees. He may be leading us to areas which we never thought we were capable. Individuals and organizations alike need to be willing and ready to accept these changes when they are called. This is how we learn to recognize our true purpose and a way to get the most out of our inner potentials.

The Route Is Not Always So Obvious.

If you have ever read the novel or have seen the movie “The Poseidon Adventure”, you may know a thing or two about the ambiguous routes we are called to take on our quests for triumph. The movie/novel is based on a disaster that capsized and overturned a luxurious ocean liner (The Poseidon). When the ship begins to sink, the patrons could choose to either travel upward or downward in their route to survival. Those who survived were those who travelled deeper into the water.

The point is that the obvious direction is not always correct. Sometimes “up” shows us the way “down” and sometimes “down” shows us the way “up”. In the same way, a successful rebranding strategy is not always as obvious as simply developing a new logo, tagline, or naming strategy.  Focus instead should come from within and a complete assessment should be made about your organizational culture, missions, and core values. Sometimes you have to consider what you are known for, and perhaps reconsider what you want to be known for.

Effective Rebranding — Is it Time to Change?

While the road to change is not always so obvious, it should be understood that not every brand needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Sometimes the change is a bit more obvious than others. Yet, if your brand is struggling to stay current in the rapidly changing marketing environment, or if your brand image has grown imprecise; you may want to consider a fresh way to stand out and perhaps rethink your interior brand persona to reach your audience. While keeping your brand identity in mind, think about introducing something new to your audience.  Make new promises and deliver.

How Will You Lead Your Brand Transition Strategy?

1. Consider Your Brand Equity

Before you develop or consider a plan that will change your brand’s perception, think about the value of your brand. What do you already mean to your audience and is your brand accurately associated with your core values? When you consider your brand equity, you must determine how to make your audience more knowledgeable of your brand. You must also focus on the relevance of your brand and if you contain the distinct characteristics that help you stand out.

2. Develop and Overall Plan

Perhaps you are considering a new name or image overhaul. Remember that this takes research. You must re-evaluate your mission and core values. Then you must conduct focus group studies, surveys, and make efficient communications with your audience.

3. Your Brand Strategy Should Reflect You

If you do choose a new naming strategy or image overhaul, make sure it is unique and identifiable through all social media and digital platforms. Keep in mind that this image should not cause your audience to lose sight of your overall plan. Your organization should control the brand. The brand should not control you.

4. Communicate and Deliver

To build trust and recognition with the audience there must be daily communication; a blog just might do the trick. This will be your daily journal that acts as the “home office” between you and your audience.

Remember that change is not always made overnight. Whenever changes are made, the most important strategy is to communicate with your audience first and communicate often. This will allow both your organization and your audience to grow together through change and trust.

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