
Grow Your Email List Using Social Media

by Infinity Concepts | Aug 5, 2013 | Digital

By now, we’ve all heard how important it is for your business or organization to maintain a presence on social media. But, are you tapping into the potential of using social media to grow your email list and move people further into your marketing funnel?

If someone has decided to “Like” or “Follow” you, then chances are they are a quality lead that you should be trying to deepen your relationship with.

To get started, here are a few simple ways you can begin growing your email list using social media.

1) Add a Sign-Up Form to Your Facebook Page                                          

One of the easiest ways you can start using Facebook to grow your email list is by adding an email opt-in app to your Facebook page. Many email marketing services such as Constant Contact and Mail Chimp have easy to install apps that will add new email opt-ins from Facebook directly to your email list.

2) Create a Custom About/Email Opt-in Page for Twitter                           

A great way to help your Twitter community get to know your company better is to create a custom About Page on your website that acknowledges that the visitor is coming directly from Twitter. This personal touch introduces the visitor to your company and gives you the opportunity to directly encourage them to sign-up to receive email updates, a free e-Book, or an exclusive resource. For a great example, check out Michael Hyatt’s custom about page for Twitter: http://michaelhyatt.com/about/twitter

3) Host a Social Media Contest                                                                          

Strategically launching a social media contest that focuses on reaching your target audience can give your email list a quick boost. By offering prizes that are of direct interest to your target audience, you will expand your email list with quality new leads. Use a tool such as Contest Domination to get your contest up and running with robust social sharing tools to help your contest go viral!

Further reading: Check out this in-depth blog post by Nathalie Lussier from freelanceswitch.com for more information on using a social media contest to grow your email list.

What social media strategies have you used to help build your email list? Leave a comment and share your success story!

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