Beaches, bike rides, and backyard barbeques. Summer is upon us and it is glorious, especially after such a harsh winter. The last thing on our minds is the holidays, however they are right around the corner.
Many of us said it last year, “I’m going to plan better for my 2014 holiday campaign.” Now is the time. Four and five months fly by fast. Here are the seven steps that will make for a well-planned holiday campaign.
1) Meet with your planning committee in July. Decide on this year’s holiday campaign theme and its distribution strategy over a couple sessions. You and your team needs time to process and think through how to appeal to your donors.
2) Map out a timeline. Start with the first meeting date and chart out each week. Using a gantt chart for project specifics and a schedule can be a campaign lifesaver.
3) Begin writing and creating materials you will send out to your donors – print and electronic.
4) Hold bi-weekly meetings through August. You’ll keep projects moving.
5) Begin weekly meetings in September to finalize art and copy.
6) Print any hard copies of materials for mailings by mid-October.
7) Roll out your campaign in November.
8) BONUS: Enjoy the holiday season with your friends and family without the added stress of trying to put together a last minute donor campaign.
Every campaign is different, but by starting now while the sun is high, you can strategize about your campaign and what you’d like to accomplish over the holiday season. Wouldn’t you like to have this year’s campaign be the best it’s ever been in order to help the most people?
Start now!