
Take a Second Look at YouTube Marketing

by Infinity Concepts | Jul 25, 2017 | Branding, Digital

Digital marketing is frequently used by organizations to get closer to their consumers and build stronger engagement with their organization. But, far too many organizations do not utilize YouTube to build affinity for and engagement with their organization.

YouTube is a rapidly-growing tool in the marketing community, and for good reason. It has the ability to inform, educate, and draw in your audience quicker than typical social media posts. Some other benefits of adding YouTube into your repertoire:

• It creates community with your viewers. YouTube is able to make your consumers feel like they are a part of what you are doing, or make them want to be a part of it. There is much power in community.
• You have the ability to reach many types of consumers. Because of the flexibility of YouTube, you can produce and post wide varieties of content based upon which group of consumers you want to reach. If there is someone early on in their education of your organization, you wouldn’t want a long-form video. But for your devoted followers, they may be looking for as much content to consumer as possible.
• YouTube gives you a platform to truly show your personality. Showing your personality offers a chance to build true affinity and devotion.
• Being able to offer a variety of content for your audience allows you to show off your products or services, display your expertise, or give a how-to demonstration.
• One more benefit to YouTube is the ability for all of your social media channels to link up to cross promote.

Now that you see how valuable YouTube can be to your organization and your marketing efforts, what makes your content successful?

• Keep up a regular stream of strong content. Even if someone likes your latest video, they won’t keep coming back if there is only a new video every month or two.
• With that said, the quality of your production is not the most important aspect. Low production quality is not viewed as a negative and can actually give off a more genuine and trustworthy impression.
• Feel free to use unconventional video, even if it doesn’t necessarily promote your product or service. If it accurately depicts you as a brand, there is no need to be conservative and rigid in your content.
• Share this content on your own webpage. Embedded YouTube video on a site is rewarded by Google in SEO.
• Test, test, test. Test your keywords, test your video length, test your content. Don’t stick with something just because you think it is what your consumers want to see. Keep in mind that if you’re trying to attract new views, use keywords to reflect that.
• If you have a smaller group of devoted followers, don’t hesitate to produce content specific to them just because they are small in numbers. They may be small, but they are mighty.

Regular maintenance of a YouTube page may appear impossible if you have a smaller staff. But if your organization is active and full of life, you have plenty to show. Don’t get caught up in the production or the details. YouTube can show the human side of an organization and give your consumers that valuable look behind the curtain, which can quickly build the brand loyalty every organization covets!

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Infinity Concepts