
3 Quick Tips to Improve Your Year-End Fundraising Emails

by Infinity Concepts | Nov 26, 2021 | Digital, Fundraising

Year-end fundraising is the most wonderful time of the year! You know what that means—the Season of Giving is almost here. The Season of Giving is a huge deal for nonprofits. Billions of dollars are given in just a few days. In fact, nearly 1/3 (31%) of annual giving occurs in December.

Even more eye-popping: 12% of all giving happens in the last 3 days of the year!

Here are 3 quick tips that you can implement right now to improve your year-end fundraising emails and maximize your year-end giving.

  1. Time your emails. Your final push for year-end giving should include multiple emails sent between December 26 and December 31. Most people leave their year-end giving until the last moment, so don’t hesitate to send an email on December 30 or 31.
  2. Send it from a real person. People give to people, not machines. Statistics show that 68% of people choose whether or not to open an email based on who it is from. The more you personalize your email “envelope” and make it look human, the more effective it will be.
  3. Don’t forget your volunteers. People who give of their time are also more likely to give of their finances. In fact, 79% of a nonprofit’s volunteers also donate to that organization. So, when you put together your year-end strategy, include a customized email to your volunteers. Thank them for their time and effort and communicate the need for their financial support as well.

Email appeals should be one part of your overall year-end fundraising strategy. But if executed correctly, they can dramatically increase the success of your campaign. Small tweaks can make a big difference.

Let Infinity Concepts use our expertise to develop your email marketing strategy!
Click here or call us today at 724.733.1200.

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