EXPORT, PENNSYLVANIA – 63% of evangelical protestants say they are politically conservative, while 24% self-identify as right in the middle, and 12% as liberal.
These are the latest findings from Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research in the report, Evangelicals in the Public Arena: Understanding Their Political, Moral, and Social Views.
The research findings come from interviews with 1,000 evangelical Protestants about where they stand politically, what they think of people who do not share their perspectives, and their views on 11 public policy issues.
While it is true that evangelicals tend to be much more conservative than the overall U.S. population, both liberals and moderates exist within the American evangelical community.
The report reveals distinctive factors that vary between conservatives, moderates, and liberals. For instance, conservatives are more likely to be older, married, higher income, and less racially and ethnically diverse, while liberals and moderates tend to be younger, with lower income, and more racially and ethnically diverse.
In spite of the differences, there was also notable unanimity. All groups share a similar level of spiritual engagement, which is measured by daily Bible readership, weekly church attendance, Bible study, weekly small group attendance, and daily prayer.
Conservatives tend to define a wider variety of things as sinful, but a clear majority of liberal evangelicals believe that having an abortion is sinful (62%), as is cursing (71%), pornography (80%), homosexual activity (70%), sex before marriage (73%), and getting drunk (61%). Although liberals are generally identified with pro-choice, pro-LGTBQ, and more liberalized views of sexuality, it seems that liberal evangelicals depart from other liberals on these issues.
The evangelical Protestant community is generally in agreement that churches and church leaders should have at least some involvement in public policy discussions, but they disagree on which issues and to what degree they should be involved.
A clear majority of all respondents think churches and church leaders should be at least somewhat involved in discussions about the 11 public policy matters explored by researchers, including abortion, free speech, transgenderism, public expressions of religious faith, and more.
“Being a conservative evangelical does not automatically make one a gun-toting, border-patrolling Donald Trump die-hard, any more than being a liberal evangelical makes one a pro-choice, LGBTQ+ supporting Joe Biden sycophant,” said Ron Sellers, President of Grey Matter Research. “The perception of an army of evangelicals calling for a militant Church with its hands in everything is simply a fallacy.”
“This research offers a profound reminder that within the tapestry of the evangelical community lies a rich diversity of perspectives, beliefs, and convictions,” said Mark Dreistadt, President and CEO of Infinity Concepts. “It dispels the stereotypes that too often permeate media portrayals and political discourse.”
The evangelical landscape is a world where conservative, moderate, and liberal evangelicals alike are engaged in spiritual pursuits while grappling with complex social and political issues, he noted.
“As we navigate the terrain of disagreement within the Church, let us recognize that our differences need not divide us but rather can serve as catalysts for deeper engagement, empathy, and mutual respect,” Dreistadt concluded.
To explore the complete findings, download Evangelicals in the Public Arena: Understanding Their Political, Moral, and Social Views report CLICK HERE.
To schedule an interview with Mark Dreistadt or Ron Sellers, email Clem Boyd, Director of Public Relations, at clem@infinityconcepts.com or text or call him at 724.930.4003.