
Making Better Media Decisions

by George Konetes | Aug 5, 2011 | Fundraising, Media

“Media has become a critical tool for ministry in today’s culture. Whether you are utilizing traditional media like television, radio, or print; or more interactive media like web, email, social media, streaming video; it is important to choose the right media based on your objectives, and it is important tohave a clear and well defined strategy driving those objectives.

The key is using response data to monitor your media and analyze the effectiveness of your media strategy. The “Media Lottery” approach doesn’t give you many answers, just a high level of risk. However, gathering and utilizing data appropriately gives you the tools to make better media decisions, stretch your media dollars, and accomplish more for God’s Kingdom!”

Read more in our free whitepaper on making better media decisions

Download now for FREE and get tips on:

  • Developing quantitative ways to measure effectiveness
  • Making decisions based on ROI instead of intuition
  • Monitoring your efforts so you can react quickly
  • Maximizing your effectiveness in Christian television

Download our free whitepaper on making better media decisions Here


About the author of the whitepaper:

Mark Dreistadt, President and Founder of Infinity Concepts

Mark is an accomplished television station manager, producer, marketing strategist, writer, musician, pastor, fundraiser, organizational trainer, respected marketing and brand communication expert, and all around “big picture” visionary. Mark provides cutting edge strategy combined with knowledge, insight, and passion for each of his clients.  He brings values, leadership, and experience to table in everything that he does.

George Konetes
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