
The Dirty Little Secret About Branding

by Mark Dreistadt | Jan 23, 2012 | Branding

I have a secret to share with you … branding always happens!

It doesn’t matter whether you think about, whether you care about it, whether you work at it or not; your organization – your business – your ministry is being branded every day.

Because a brand is a collection of experiences that people have with your organization, every time they interact with you, every time they see you, every time they hear you, every time you touch their lives, a brand message is communicated … and over time a brand is established.

Either you manage your brand or it will manage you.

You need to actively engage in the process of making sure that what people think of your organization is what they need to think of your organization. Your vision, mission, and core values should drive your actions and communications, making your organization one that your audience will know, understand, and respect.

You need to conscientiously work to ensure your brand is consistently expressed and maintained all the times. If you don’t, the brand will develop based on a mixed bag of experiences and people will begin to think of your organization in ways that do not accurately reflect your true essence.

You do have a brand.  The challenge I make to you today is to be sure your brand is all you want it to be! It is up to you.

What do people think of when they think of you?  Well, either you manage that brand or it will manage you because – branding always happens.

Feel free to share the secret!

Mark Dreistadt

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